Soluciones y Aplicaciones Tecnológicas Integrales, S.L. (SATI Formació), continues with the activity of Institut de Formació Continua, S.L., with experience in the three subsectors of professional formation, since 1992.
Our activity includes Occupational Training and Continuous Training (FC), , from the detection of training needs, elaboration, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the training plan, in those cases that are necessary.
Our services are aimed at sectors as diverse as energy, distribution and logistics, automotive, trade, metal, food and institutional.
The services we carry out for social agents, companies and administrations are carried out in accordance with the rules and procedures established by them or the relevant bodies, in accordance with the specifications of each call.
In the geographical field, our teaching activity covers the entire national territory, with the most notoriety in Catalonia, due to its location and geographical proximity, taking into account both supply and demand training.
Our human team is made up of more than 50 collaborating people, with proven training and professional experience in each of the specialties they teach.
The catalog of training actionswe develop exceeds 130, both in the face-to-face mode, as well as e-learning and mixed.
For professional families, we can highlight our training offer:
We have ISO 9001: 2015 TÜV Saarland certification

The mission of SATI Formació, is a commitment to the training needs of our customers and students, aimed at improving the competitiveness of companies and the growth and personal development of workers, therefore having excellent professionals who they transmit to our students all the experience and knowledge acquired throughout their professional life.
Consequently, we assume a series of values that define our identity, taking into account the real needs of the business, work and social environment that represent a training reference.
The effort
We aim to encourage the development of our students' personal talent through training, they allow them to acquire personal skills and aptitudes that involve the development of their professional and personal profile, as well as their spirit of improvement, effort and work.
The methodology
To offer a training with an eminently practical structure, promoting at all times the active and critical participation of the students, encouraging the work in team and the responsibility.
In those cases where our services are subcontracted, it is the contracting companies that determine the "rules of the game", assigning a person responsible for the project for the correct coordination of the training action.
We have the collaboration of experts with outstanding professional and teaching experience, in each of the specialties, which thanks to their knowledge and qualification facilitate training in accordance with the demands and reality of the labor market.
Apart from the improvement of professional skills, a priority objective is to improve the employment possibilities of our students, so we put at your disposal a job search guidance service, developing the profile and the insertion itinerary in a personalized way.
Corporate social responsibility
Regular contact and collaboration with the different social agents allows our training offer to be adapted to the training needs of the workers.
We have an annual training plan for collaborating staff.
Respect for the environment, recycling and managing the by-products of our activities.
The commitment and relationship of mutual trust with our customers and supplier companies.
Some of the client entities.
Consell Comarcal de l’Anoia and Maresme, Diputació de Barcelona, Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona, Federació d’indústria de CCOO., Federació del Comerç de CC.OO., Fundació Paco Puerto (CEPROM), UPM (Unió Patronal Metal·lúrgica), Gremi de Tallers de Barcelona, Gremi de Garatges de Barcelona, Gremi de Benzineres de Barcelona, Gremi d’instal·ladors de l’Anoia, UEA (Unió Empresarial de l’Anoia), CETRAA (Confederació Espanyola de Tallers de Reparació d’Automòbils), etc.
And more than 50 private companies.